Trusted by Denmark’s leading companies
What if the root of your stress isn’t in your head, but in your body?
Stress starts in the body—and so does the solution.

"It was spot on… you made a really strong impression - nothing less than excellent..."
- René Balle, CTO & CCO, KK Wind Solutions A/S about my breathing session

The BIG Picture
Modern life often forces us to push through stress, fatigue, and emotional overload without truly understanding our body’s signals.
Breathe to Flow brings you back to the most direct, accessible, and powerful way to reclaim a balanced inner state: your breath.
Our services offer a fresh, body-first approach—rooted in neuroscience and physiological principles—that not only alleviates daily pressures but also prepares you to navigate life’s biggest challenges with clarity and resilience.
Are you also facing these issues in your team?

Struggling to stay focused and productive in the face of chronic stress?
Experiencing miscommunication or tension during high-pressure situations?
Feeling emotionally drained, disengaged, or burned out?
Battling absenteeism, low energy, and a lack of resilience?
Our program helps employees expand their capacity to manage stress effectively—what we call their ‘tolerance window’—leading to improved focus, resilience, and well-being.
A fantastic experience - the instructor captured my attention from the first second.
The only regret is that it 'only' lasted an hour.
Maia, LE34, Denmark
Participant in Inspiration Session
June 2024
Thanks for a super seminar about Breathing at our employee day in Copenhagen. We got really positive feedback from our employees.
Kasper Højvang Kyed, CTO, FTFa
Company Conference, 2023
Kasper was really good at conveying the material in a lively and relevant way
- a lesson for life! :)
So great to be offered this.
Sebastian, LE34, Denmark
Participant in Inspiration Session
June 2024
Our simple 3-step model
Empower your team with tools to stay balanced, focused, and resilient—no matter the challenges.
Our proven framework helps teams recognize stress triggers, find calm under pressure, and build the capacity to handle stress effectively.
Most people today don't feel the signs in their body before it's too late.
We teach you to connect and notice the signs before stress takes over. Help your team identify early signals of stress and take the first step toward balance.
We breathe 23.000 times per day, yet most of us do it superficially and too fast This keeps us stuck in stress.
We teach you to remain calm by optimising your breathing and to have simple tools to stay present and grounded in challenging moments.
Few people know how to down-regulate their stressed-out state and this maintains a vicious cycle
Equip your team with simple techniques to handle stress and thrive under pressure.
Powerful, Science-Backed Practices for Real Results

Powerful & Accessible Practices to Find Your Inner Calm
Our breathing methods reconnect mind and body, helping your team stay calm, focused, and productive in any situation.

Customized Solutions for Modern Workplaces
We offer a range of tools tailored to fit your team’s needs, enhancing resilience, reducing stress, and boosting productivity.
Proven by Science, Trusted by
Backed by research and widely used in high-stress settings, our approach delivers real results you can rely on.

Let me inspire your employees too
A body-first approach to stress resilience and emotional agility, grounded in the idea that changing our physiology (breath, movement, subtle posture shifts) is the most direct way to influence how we think, feel, and act.
We offer 2 options
for companies
The Power of Breathing session (1 hour)
USD/EUR 500 or 900 for team/organisation
"The Power of Breathing" is our signature session to empower and inspire your employees with eye- and heart-opening practices that they can bring with them forever.
Practical exercises
Online / In-person
Interactive & Engaging
A fresh breath of wellbeing
Inner Calm
4-module online course for companies
Price from USD/EUR 3600
Depending no. of participants + setup
Integrate eye-opening mind-body practices in your company / department / team and see the different in employee satisfaction
1 hour intro session
4 X 30 min sessions
Online on your platform
eBook + materials
Session Library
All of our services are based on our own proven and science-based
ICE-WATER-FIRE system™️ as taught to 1000s of participants over 4 years.
Let's have a quick chat
Free, no-obligation discovery call. We’ll review your needs and goals to see if we’re a good fit for each other.
Are these programs really suitable for my company?If your company values forward-thinking, preventive approaches to employee well-being, our concept can be an excellent fit. It's designed to give your team an easy, impactful way to recharge, de-stress, and maintain focus. It's science-based and even skeptics will feel the impact and get inspired. Whether your employees are navigating high-pressure roles or simply looking for better balance, this program integrates seamlessly into the workday.
Will my employees truly benefit from these breathing exercises?Absolutely. Studies show that breathing techniques like the ones we use have a measurable impact on both physical and mental health. They help regulate the nervous system, reduce stress hormones, and improve focus. We've received outstanding feedback from other companies, with employees feeling more balanced, energized, and able to concentrate better after participating.
Why should we choose Breathe to Flow over other wellness programs?Breathe to Flow offers a scientifically-backed, highly accessible program. We use active breathing techniques that deliver immediate physiological and mental benefits. Our sessions are brief but powerful, making them easy to integrate into even the busiest workdays, without disrupting productivity.
Is this backed by science?Yes, our approach is rooted in scientific research that shows measurable benefits for stress reduction, emotional regulation, and cognitive performance. Controlled breathing exercises have been proven to positively affect heart rate, cortisol levels, and mental clarity, making this a practical and effective solution for workplace well-being
Which services do you offer?The Inspiration Session is a 1-hour event (in person or online), and the 1-Month Program includes daily 10-minute guided sessions. We recommend booking a 15-minute slot for the daily sessions to provide a little buffer. Employees can choose which sessions to join, and the program is flexible to fit into their day.
What if my employees don’t have time for a daily session?Our sessions are designed to be quick and flexible. The daily sessions are just 10 minutes long, so employees only need to set aside a 15-minute slot to participate. Even if they can’t attend every day, they can still benefit from participating when possible, and the sessions are structured to offer immediate effects.
Why is Breathe to Flow different from other mindfulness or wellness programs?We make it accessible and straight-forward. Breathing exercises have an immediate, measurable impact on the body’s stress response. Our techniques engage the nervous system to help regulate emotions, reduce anxiety, and improve focus right away. We combine ancient techniques with modern science to create a unique program that is accessible, engaging, and highly effective.
How do we get started?You can book a free discovery call to discuss your company’s needs and goals. From there, we tailor the program to fit your team's schedule and well-being objectives, ensuring the best possible outcome for your employees.
Which languages are your sessions?We can give sessions in English and Danish. We often give back-to-back sessions in two languages to include all of your employees.
Hvorfor en daglig vejrtrækningsøvelse?Vejrtrækningsøvelser som coherent breathing kan ses som meditation med et ekstra fysiologisk lag, fordi de har en direkte og umiddelbar effekt på vores nervesystem og hormonbalance. For mange kan det være "meditation for dem, der ikke mediterer," da øvelsen aktiverer kroppens parasympatiske nervesystem og hurtigt skaber ro og balance. Denne effekt er målbar og påvirker faktorer som blodtryk, puls og stresshormoner. Det betyder, at du både opnår mental og fysisk balance – og den ekstra effekt gør pausen endnu mere effektiv. Derfor virker vejrtrækningsøvelser særligt godt, når der er brug for en effektiv pause i løbet af dagen.
Hvorfor lige før frokost?Lige før frokost er et ideelt tidspunkt til en vejrtrækningsøvelse, fordi det hjælper med at genoprette energien midt på dagen. Ved at tage 10 minutter til at trække vejret dybt og bevidst, kan man mindske den stress, der har opbygget sig i løbet af morgenen, og skabe en frisk start til eftermiddagen. Studier fra f.eks. danske Pia Hauge viser, at en kort pause før frokost kan forbedre både fokus og præstation resten af dagen.
Virker åndedrætsøvelser virkelig?Ja, vores kerneøvelse, "coherent breathing" er videnskabeligt understøttet. Studier viser, at denne teknik hjælper med at balancere det autonome nervesystem, sænke stressniveauet, reducere blodtrykket og forbedre hjertefrekvensvariabiliteten (HRV), som er en vigtig indikator for kroppens evne til at håndtere stress. Det er en nem og målbar måde at skabe fysisk og mental balance.
Hvordan fungerer programmet i praksis?Programmet er en kombination af daglige 15-minutters live-sessioner (1-5 gange per uge) online på jeres egen platform (f.eks. Teams) og resten af dagene med præ-optagede videoer af samme længde, som sikrer fleksibilitet for dine medarbejdere. Prisen for programmet afhænger af antal live-sessioner. Programmet starter med en intro-session, hvor Kasper præsenterer baggrunden for vejrtrækningsøvelser og forklarer, hvordan teknikkerne kan bruges i dagligdagen. Det hele afsluttes med en opsamlings-session, hvor Kasper svarer på spørgsmål og vi laver en sidste session sammen. Hele programmet planlægges i tæt samarbejde med virksomheden.
Hvad koster det?Vores 1-times session, Vejrtrækningens Kraft, koster DKK 4200 for op til 20 personer og kr. 6800 for større teams/afdelinger/organisationer. Det daglige program, Åndehuller strækker sig over en måned og koster fra kr. 26.500 for op til 20 personer og op til kr. 74.500 for større organisationer. Prisen for Åndehuller afhænger af flere faktorer, herunder antallet af deltagere og antallet af live-sessioner per uge. Vi tilbyder en skræddersyet pris baseret på jeres specifikke behov. Kontakt os for en uforpligtende snak om, hvad der passer bedst for jer.
Kan vi få en introduktion, inden vi starter et fuldt program?Ja, vi tilbyder en inspirationssession, som er en introduktion til vejrtrækningens utrolige kraft. Denne session er designet til at inspirere jeres medarbejdere til at få kroppen med i deres hverdag og prøve de konkrete øvelser. Efterfølgende kan vi evaluere, om et fuldt program er det rette for jeres team. Sessionen kan leveres på både dansk og engelsk.
Er der mulighed for fleksibilitet i programmet?Ja, vi tilpasser programmet efter jeres virksomheds specifikke behov. I kan vælge, hvor mange live-sessioner vi skal afholde per uge, og medarbejderne får adgang til præ-optagede videoer, som de kan bruge dagligt. Live-sessionerne kan afholdes via Teams, så det fungerer for både kontoransatte og hjemmearbejdende medarbejdere.
Hvordan fungerer det tekniske?Programmet leveres på den platform, I allerede bruger – for eksempel Microsoft Teams. I skal blot sørge for at invitere alle medarbejderne til sessionerne i jeres kalendersystem. Vi laver et spørgeskema i samarbejde med jer for at evaluere programmet og evt. også midtvejs for at justere forløbet. Det er frivilligt for alle at deltage, og medarbejderne vælger selv, hvilke sessioner de vil deltage i.
Hvad med kommunikation til medarbejderne?Vi leverer al tekst- og billedmateriale til kommunikation, som I kan tilpasse efter behov. Det er en fuld pakke, hvor jeres opgave primært er at invitere medarbejderne. Vi sørger for, at al information er klar og tilgængelig, så det bliver nemt for jer at kommunikere programmet internt.